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Dramatic Beach Portrait Session Algarve - Praia do Evaristo

Praia do Evaristo Sunset

Last week saw us on the beautiful Algarve coastline at Praid do Evaristo shooting a fantastic portrait session.

Vikas & Sravani contacted us and their brief was that they wanted some dramatic portrait images of them both. They were only in the Algarve for a few days and only one evening was available for them for the session. We met up with the couple early evening at their Suites and we decided to use the area around the suites to ease the couple in to being in front of the camera and posing.

It was then a quick drive to Praia do Evaristo and using the features and coastline as a backdrop while the sun set. We utilized the amazing capabilities and the dynamic range of the Sony A7RII to bring out the best in the surrounding landscape. We used off camera flash triggered in a small collapsible soft box to light Vikas & Sravani whilst retaining the colour and drama of the sky and the sun.

Praia do Evaristo

We used the setting sun to full effect to silhouette the couple and used as much as the colourful sky and coastline for a dramatic backdrop.

Once the sun had set and it was too dark to go running about the rocks and cliffs it was a short drive back to the suites. For the final images in the session we used the outside of the suites and the gardens for more drama. We shot in pitch black with only the off camera flash as the light source in the image amongst the palm trees.

We managed to cram in a huge amount in the few hours we were with the couple but I'm sure you'll agree the results are just stunning.

If you would like to have a dramatic location portrait session as a couple, group or even individual, just give us a call or drop as an email.

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